
A Mixed Dram is a blog written by an anonymous writer using the nom de plum of “The Scribe.” The Scribe is a young college student from Chicago who currently goes to school in Boston. This blog details his quest to understand his preferences and drink well on a very limited budget.

The Scribe chooses to remain anonymous because he has a very distinctive name, such that the only results that appear when googling his name are, well, him. In the current job market, employers google your name at the very least, and thus, to avoid the appearance of being a lush, which he may or may not be, The Scribe is forced to hide behind an alias in his publishing.

2 Responses

  1. http://lancejmayhew.blogspot.com/2009/01/mxmo-xxxv-broaden-your-horizons-longrow.html

    Got my mixmo post up a bit early. Btw, I think this is the best subject for a MxMo ever

  2. Hi there,

    tank you for hosting this month.

    My article to Mixology Monday will be found on:

    Text of my article:
    Our theme this month ist “broaden your horizon”. My first thought was “damn!”, but as i refelected on the theme, i rembembered an article about japanese spirits on Bartender’s Laboratory blog. This article is about drinking temperatures from japanese spirits especially saké. The answer to my problem was simple: i want to mix with shochu. Shoshu is a japanese spirit made of nearly every fruit and vegetable of about 70 proof or less. Don’t confound shochu and saké. I just bought some Kozuru Shochu, which is made of potatoes, at the delicatessen trader of my choice. My Kozuru Shochu aged for six years in wooden barrels. After i contacted a bartender from the mentioned blog, i decided to consider this theme carefully. I choose selfmade ginger-syrup, apple-juice, clove and jasmine tea as main ingredients.
    After several tests while remembering the article of Bartender’s Laboratory, my decission to administer my concoction warm was consolidated.
    i brewed some jasmine tea with boiling water for about 3 minutes, while heaten up apple juice and clove. Both should have a temperature of about 70°C/158 Fahrenheit.
    Now the marriage of my ingredients:

    6 cl hot Apple-Clove-Juice
    1 dash lime juice
    1 cl ginger syrupe
    6 cl hot jasmine tea
    4 cl Kozuru Shochu
    1 lime twist

    Stir the drink and put the lime twist into it.

    The conclusion is fruity, but the character of the aged Shoshu is still senseable. The jasmine tea is senseable in the background. Though, after cooling the drink, it is still complex in taste, but is winning heat.

    Feel free to use the photo.

    In Cas of questions, please contact me.

    Sincerely, Joerg Kalinke/Germany

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